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Our line marking warranty covers you against delamination of paint as a result of faulty workmanship. The warranty we offer, written or implied, is also issued subject to a strict maintenance regime and the establishment of good housekeeping practices.

Line marking warranties are never as straight forward as we would like, especially for warehouse floors. Why? Because there are a number of factors that may affect our perceptions of a successful line marking job.

The chemical bond

The key factor is the quality of the chemical bond created between the paint and the substrate. The truth is, that this bond is not so much influenced by ‘how’ it is applied, but the quality and type of coating used, and how the slab has been finished.

The type of concrete chemicals that can affect the bonding process include:

We work alongside industrial chemists to ensure that we provide the best possible painting options for a long-lasting effect, therefore knowing this information is essential.

The type of traffic

While we only use the best quality Dulux line marking paint, the level of traffic can affect the wear of the product. Warehouse floors can be especially difficult to paint due to the constant forklift traffic present and will result in a shortened product life expectancy compared to pedestrian only areas.

The type of paint

There is a variety of line marking paints available from water based, to chlorinated rubber and two-part epoxy paints each with different chemical properties and are suitable for different surfaces and environments.

If this all seems a bit daunting, don’t worry too much, we have a team of industrial chemists who work with us to ensure we get as close as possible to matching the right paint with your environment. Call us at 1300 76 44 77 for any enquires.

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